Dancing as a career in Sri Lanka


                                   💃💃💃💃   Art is a very essential thing for our life. There are music, dancing, painting and drawing like this. Among of them fine arts are very important things. There are so many dancing jobs in Sri Lanka. We also know main career is teaching for that.😃😃 Not only that they are ritual artists and wedding artists like this. Specially, Sri Lanka has a several educational places to study these fine arts. There are so many examples for that.🎒🎒 They are University of visual and performing arts, Academy of Sripalee and Cultural  education place like this. Sri Lanka has important place for these careers. 👈👫Because Sri Lankan people respect their cultural and nature. Every function has dancers or drama artists. Then  we can see a lot of dancing classes are in Sri Lankan and a lot of children go their and study fine arts.💓💓 



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