Uses Of Internet


                                                     👉   Internet is a way to link up with all the people in the world. It is one of the most important thing in the modern life style. In the present life without internet is very difficult. People are addicted on the internet. Specially the biggest websites like Facebook, YouTube, whatsapp and google etc.💃

                                           💛 Internet has a opened gateway. Therefore there are so many advantages and disadvantages in the internet. People do lots of works daily on the internet. People can  search and download information on internet for free. It can improve the quality of education in many ways. Specially in these days schools have closed due to Covid virus. But students can learning though internet and even teachers can prepare their lesson through internet. Students can download tutorials by using internet. 

                                         👲In the present we can do maximum bank works by using this. We can use bank software or app to do daily banking things.

                                         There are so many disadvantages like advantages we can get by using internet. Many people are spending much time on the internet connect devices. They are addicted to the internet. In the present there re so many children use internet. There are unsuitable photos, videos for children. For the above reasons we who have to decide how to use this technology.👈


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